Etisalat Group

Etisalat Group Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management Forum 2015

The Etisalat Grpup Revenue and Fraud Management Forum which took place in Abu Dhabi was a huge success. Representatives from 19 different countries attended the event to discuss relevant topics to their market, covering discussions on mitigation strategy, fraud trends, leakage areas, and technology and future trends.

An event in this format is a fantastic way to ensure that vendors and Group entities get the opportunity to discuss current issues and solutions, an excellent way of information sharing and problem solving. The day consisted of presenations from Etisalat CFO, Etisalat Group RAFM and other Key Eitsalat Group functions, Etisalat OPCOs and Partners.

Wait, there is more…

Man giving a speech

Roscom CEO, Simon Taylor, delivered one of the vendor talks about the importance of Independent Revenue Assurance testing in the modern technology landscape. This discussion also covered the ways in which Roscom independently test for their clients and the benefits of optimised enagement.

Understand the benefits for yourself of Independent Event Generation by booking a demonstration and consultation with a member of our solutions team.


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