We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new online Training Hub. Roscom clients who have an Osprey TCG installation have been granted access! This includes content such as Revenue Assurance educational videos, ‘how-to’ product tutorials and references helpful documents already available in our Risk and Controls Hub.
Here at Roscom we take training very seriously, since 2018 over 50 training courses have been designed and rolled out internally across Roscom. However, in 2020, it was clear that classroom-based training (as it always had been at Roscom) was just not going to be safe. Since then, online training seminars has become the norm, however arranging these can be a challenge, particularly when multiple time zones are involved!
By switching to online training via the hub, the trainee is now in complete control of where and when they are trained. This also means that the training videos can be re-watched, weeks or months after; much better than referring to old notes scribbled down!
After trialling this internally since May, we have seen nothing but positive results! Currently on the Roscom training hub there are already over 20 videos (at time of writing). We look forward to seeing our online training content grow and hearing what our clients think!

Last, but probably most important, are the environmental benefits this brings:
- For the Roscom WFH employees, it eliminates the need to travel into the office for training, which in turn prevents vehicle emissions from commuting.
- Roscom engineers will no longer have to travel thousands of miles a year to provide on-site training.
If you need access to this training as part of your TCG installation – please let us know by emailing ask@roscom.co.uk