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What We're Up To

Tube Compressed London

Testing times for London Underground

When Roscom engineers tested the London Underground in 2008 for connectivity and quality on the TETRA network it was all about ensuring the emergency services could talk to each other. Now Transport for London wants mobile users to have 4G access by the mid 2020’s. We asked our engineers for their views on the highs and lows of making this happen.

Wireless Router

Don’t Forget The Other Data

When you think about measuring data most people in our sector assume you are talking about mobile use. But we shouldn’t forget about data from

Recruiter image
Business Update

Looking for Analysts

In the long running USA TV series “Friends” no-one was quite sure what the character Chandler actually did for a living. Turns out he was

Changes Coming In 2019

Win/Win for New Converged Infrastructure?

If you’re a network provider the idea of the new converged infrastructure where everything from voice, messaging, on-demand TV and broadcast services are provided through

Roscom 50 Million Test Calls
Business Update

50 Million Test Calls

Being able to provide consistent and high quality coverage for subscribers is the holy grail for network operators. It’s a top priority for users too,

Tender Loving Care Graphic

Everything works better with TLC

I’m a great believer the world goes round a whole lot better with a little TLC – an understanding of the Time zone, Language and

Certificate of appreciation
Business Update

Roscom Work Experience

Telecoms is changing all the time as users want more and more from the industry; but while we all have demands on our business it

Roscom team mandy qualifications
Business Update

Why Qualifications Matter

In a world where anyone can set themselves up as a company with a website and an answering service it is important to know who

Happy Birthday Roscom

This month we are celebrating an anniversary at Roscom. It’s 15 years since the company was set up and it has never been a more